Multi-F solar
The Multi-F Solar system: the Multi-F deck, the floating total cover for the basin, can now also be fitted with solar panels.
The Multi-F Solar system: the Multi-F deck, the floating total cover for the basin, can now also be fitted with solar panels.
The Alligator floating cover is suitable for covering many types of liquids. For the prevention of odours, pollution and algae growth.
The SiloDome is a cover for water silos up to Ø 15.00 m, made up of a lightweight aluminum frame with a closed cloth over it.
The LP-dek gives 100 percent results in algae control. The deck is available open and closed in all sizes and is always taut on every water silo.
The Kristaldek gives 100 percent results in algae control. The floating cover is available in any shape and size.
Our Multi-F-dek gives 100 procent results in algae control. The Multi-F-dek is a light-proof total cover for new basins and for basins in need of renovation in any shape or size.