2,391 solar panels installed on water basins and outer slope Van der Drift Roses

total output 1.08 MW

Albers Alligator and Centrica Business Solutions received an order from Marc van der Drift in November 2022 to supply and install a MULTI-F Solar on its two bassins. One embankment has also been fitted with solar panels on the outside to realize the 1.0 MW yield desired by Marc.

His water basins were already equipped with Alligator foil and the standard Multi-F in 2007. Because the foil in both basins is still in very good condition, it was not necessary to replace it and the MULTI-F Solar was mounted above it.

Double function

Your water basin now has a double function.

Space saving

No separate ground required for your solar panels.

100% algae free

Your water basin is completely covered and therefore 100% free of algae.

Maximum solar harvest

Maximum solar harvest by using the entire bottom of the Multi-F.


1 point of contact for all your questions, double expertise from 2 specialists.

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Multi-F Solar

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